Adolf Martin Weder

( Dölf Weder / Dolf Weder / Doelf Weder )

Rev. Dr. theol.
EAY Secretary General 1990-1999
Church President since 2000

Goethestr. 79, CH-9008 St. Gallen, Switzerland




Speeches, photographs and information of the evangelical-reformed theologian, former church President and Secretary General of the European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe), Rev. Dr. Adolf Martin Weder.

Adolf Martin Weder was born in Burgdorf BE on the 26th of December 1950, since 1956 he lives in St. Gallen. In the age of eleven, first contact with the youth work of the YMCA St. Gallen. The YMCA became a shaping force for active youth years and the direction of the whole life. After the gymnasium at the Cantonal School St. Gallen followed studies in economy and social sciences at the University of St. Gallen, and in theology, social psychology and applied informatics at the University of Zürich.  In 1979 Dölf Weder received a doctor degree (Dr. theol.) in practical theology with a thesis on "Christian Youth Work", and - after serving one year as a vicar in the parishes of Zürich-Seebach and Baar - was ordained as a minister (VDM) of the evangelical-reformed church.

1979 to 1986 Adolf Martin Weder worked as General Secretary of the YMCA St. Gallen. During the years 1987 to 1990 he worked as a parish minister in Wil SG, later combined with a part-time employment as a lecturer for religion at the Cantonal School in St. Gallen.

Adolf Martin Weder represented the Swiss YMCA already since the seventies on European and World YMCA level. In 1990 he was called to serve as the Secretary General of the European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe), the European YMCA umbrella organisation with almost two million programme participants, seat in St. Gallen, since 1999 in Prague. 

In summer 1998 Adolf Martin Weder became a part-time councillor of the Evangelical-reformed Church of the Canton St. Gallen. Until the end of 1999 he was responsible for its adult education department. 2000 to 2014 he served as their President and Chief Executive Officer.

Adolf Martin Weder got to know wide parts of Europe and his people through extensive professional and private travel. Study trips and professional journeys led him also to North- and South-America, Asia, North-Africa and the Caribbean. 

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