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Black & White Street
Photography "Autumn Impressions in Spain"
| Photography in
passing by - Some remarks about the Spain pictures
student times, my Koga touring bikes carried me thousands of kilometres
through many regions of especially Southern Europe, earlier with tent
and sleeping bag, nowadays lodging in small hotels. A small Leica M camera is always
with me, too.
What counts are not the kilometres, but the encounter with land,
people and customs, and the round movement over days and weeks. The
own world, the understanding of life, the heart become wider.
The black & white street photography evolving hereby, is a
"photography in passing by". No posing, no instructions, no follow-up treatment. The images do not claim to be art or
documentation. But they picture moments that touched
me, situations
telling something about human
being. In style I feel influenced by pictures of the classical humanist photography. |
| Autumn Impressions in Spain
Photographed in the Nineties
on the eastern coast of Spain.
Travel Photography in Asia and Latin America
sorry, not implemented
Pictures of Silence
sorry, not implemented
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